If you want to be an effective pediatric therapist, start here.
Shelley Mannell from Heartspace PT brings a wealth of wisdom and analytical brilliance to addressing the underlying components of therapy that make everything else work better. She addresses not only what our kiddos need to improve their dynamic core and function, but what we can do ourselves to achieve excellence in our own areas of practice. If I had one word to describe Shelley, it would be "Wise" and you are guaranteed be wiser for having listened to her!
Check out the handy clickable links list below the podcast to take you right to the resources you need.
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Becoming a physical therapists, early experiences (1:25)
Early Influences and Mentors (5:50)
Moving into sensory processing as a physical therapist (8.28)
Mistakes and learnings (11:04)
Where to focus first in initial treatments (12:00)
Current reading interests (13:26)
Getting into teaching (14:54)
Best book recommendations (17:20)
Recommendations for therapists new to the field (19:40)
Why NDT? (22:35)
Clinical Questions
W-sitting (25.32)
Scapulae and rib position before using monkey bars and trapeze (29.28)
Balance work in a child with spastic diplegia - dancing with strategies (32.08)
Car sickness, vertigo and the vestibular system (35.22)
Coming to NZ and other info on organizing courses (38.27)
Primitive Reflexes (39.28)
What commonly gets missed in clinical practice (45:16)
Reflective questions for clinical practice (47:53)
Best advice for developing excellence (48.54)

Shelley Mannell
HeartSpace PT for Children
Dynamic Core for Kids
Regi Boehme
Shumway-Cook and Woollacott: Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice
Alexander, Bohme & Cupps: Development of Functional Motor Skills: The First Year of Life
Aquilla, Yack & Sutton: Building Bridges through Sensory Integration, 3rd Edition: Therapy for Children with Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Lois Bly - Motor Skills Acquisition in the First Year: An Illustrated Guide to Normal Development
Please note: these book links go through to Amazon Affiliate Program
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