Knowledge Websites
For Rehabilitation in Childhood Disability

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) is the largest most comprehensive nonprofit organization in the United States focused on finding a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy—our mission is to end Duchenne. They offer amazing resources for families and clinicians wanting to provide excellent care for boys with DMD & related conditions

CanChild is in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University in Canada and is the hub in an academic network of international scientists that conduct applied clinical and health services research concerning children and youth with a variety of developmental conditions. They are most well known for their work in Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Coordination Disorders and their website provides an extensive resource of information, tools and resources for therapists and families

EVIDENCE CENTRE: All things related to EBP in childhood rehabilitation. SUNNYHILL E-LEARN: Online courses you need to know about TECHNOLOGY FOR THERAPISTS: virtual reality, robot therapy,video games etc. EVIDENCE4PRACTICE: Research summarized in clinician friendly formats PLUS resources for school therapists, ICF e-tools, a list of pediatric research journals, Pediatric rehabilitation innovation & research projects in BC PLUS more

This website collates clinical guidelines on rare diseases that have been evaluated using the AGREE-II tool. "Guidelines on all aspects of care are included from diagnostic tests through to treatments and organisations of care." Examples of the diseases covered include Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis

The Cerebral Palsy Alliance is an Australian organization that provides services to people with cerebral palsy and their families. Their research foundation includes a Content Governance Group who research and appraise best available evidence to make recommendations around INTERVENTION & THERAPIES. It’s also worth checking out their ASSESSMENT & OUTCOME MEASURES resource page.
Product Websites
by Therapists for Therapists

A collaboration between pediatric therapist Nancy Hylton and orthotist Don Buethorn in 1980 resulted in a thin, flexible contoured brace that would eventually become the DAFO 4 -- still one of the most popular brace styles today. They are now the industry's leading manufacturer of pediatric orthoses, creating effective solutions for patients worldwide. Check out Nancy's wiredOn Interview for brilliant insights and inspiration

A great place to shop for everything kid-friendly, affordable, and therapeutic. Fun and Function was started by an OT with a strong emphasis on sensory activities but you'll find great products to cater for all developmental areas, ages and diagnoses here.

TheraTogs are an orthotic garment systems designed to provide gentle, prolonged muscle stretch and alignment guidance that replicates the manual positioning and supervised therapy that the rehab clinician offers in a typical session.Or, as our pediatric clients call them: “my SuperSuit!” Theratogs were invented by pediatric physical therapist Beverley Cusick. Listen to her wiredOn interview and get the inside scoop

An online resource for special education, pediatric occupational and physical therapy. A huge range of downloadable digital products, links to online courses, practice snippets and more.

Milestones Therapy is an Australian based company that was established in 2010, by two Occupational Therapists who are passionate about working with children, perfect practice, and carryover of treatment gains. They supply a range of therapeutic products, specialising in wearable products for the Paediatric population and also provide clinical education opportunities

SPIO is a highly flexible bracing system made from a specialized multi-directional stretch that's designed to provide and enhance deep pressure sensory input around and toward the midline of the body to improve dynamic stability and postural activation. Listen to Nancy Hylton's interview to get an in depth understanding
Volunteer Organizations
Working for children with disabilities
Take a moment to tell the wiredOn Community about a resource, charity or organization they need to know about. Tell us why they're so awesome and what they've done that's impressed you.
If you leave an audio clip it might just get added to a podcast episode. It's an awesome way to reach out to an international audience of enthusiastic physical therapists, occupational therapists and other clinicians working in pediatric rehabilitation - so please take the time to share
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