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Join date: Jun 23, 2019


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I have spent most of my professional adult life working in paediatrics and specifically with children with neurodevelopmental issues. I have also been a guardian and full time carer for a person with cerebral palsy (GMFC IV) who lived with my family from the age of 8 years, he is now 38years and doing well. :)

I passionately believe that well considered early intervention for children with any developmental issues is the key to changing lives. Over the years my approach and knowledge has evloved with the expereince of working with thousands of families. I hope I communicate my passion and commitment at every opportunity.

The past 15 years have been used developing a service that follows the latest understanding of motor learning, practising interventions that promote social participation for all children with disabilities, using ICF as a format for holistic assessment and goal setting. I have done this in quite tricky environments in Pakistan with local professional staff that I train and help with their access to CPD. They have grown with me.

I was a facilitaor and learning arctiect for Physiopedia when they organised a MOOC in 2018 - 'Managing Children with Cerebral Palsy' in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross

I have been a keynote speaker at many Paediatric Conferences presenting on Providing Services in a LAMIC (low and middle income countries) and Early Recognition and Early Interventions for children with motor delays or disabilities. I recently qualified in the Advanced General Movement Assessment (Prechtl GMA).

Yvonne Frizzell

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