Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview
Judy Carmick, MA, PT is a physical therapist that excels at weaving together the philosophies and approaches that form the bases of pediatric neuromotor rehabilitation - even ones that seemingly conflict like Brunnström and Bobath!
But she doesn't stop there, she has taken their teachings, mixed in with the current literature and applied it with a curious and observant clinical approach to develop her own amazing application of neuromuscular electrical stimulation, which she calls TASES (Task Specific Electrical Stimulation).
The results are fast and effective and it really does look like she has a magic wand. This interview is pure gold! I hope you enjoy learning from Judy's amazing thoughts and insights.
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Time Stamps (might only work on desktop)
Signe Brunnström - Phd in kinesiology 1:11
Figuring out e-Stim 7:26
why / how it works 11:39
Practical tips to using it for the first time 16:07
Judy’s publications 16:37
e-stim on the ADDuctors 19:45 / 20:50
e-stim & bracing 20:10
Developing the TASES technique 24:45
Clinical Questions 29:38
ASD, Down Syndrome, Rhett Syndrome & Scoliosis
Which muscles to target first 33:18
Progression and dosing + introducing estim to parents 36:40
SMA III non-ambulatory + scoliosis and fatigue 41:17
Doing courses with Judy 44:25
Book Recommendations 44:50
Info for new therapists (and old therapists too) 46:00
Why to stay away from ant tib and quads 46:58
The Walkaide - Judy’s thoughts on this 47:38
Judy’s recommendations for e-stim units 49:20
Evidence Based Practice for TASES- 51:50
Best advice for developing Excellence 56.28

Comeaux, Phyllis MS, PT; Patterson, Nancy PT; Rubin, Marge PT; Meiner, Reneé PTA
Pediatric Physical Therapy: Fall 1997
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009 Apr;51(4):295-302. Hanna SE1, Rosenbaum PL, Bartlett DJ, Palisano RJ, Walter SD, Avery L, Russell DJ.
Charles T. Leonard, PT, PhD Daniel Y. Sandholdt, BS James A. McMillan, PhD Susan Queen, PT, PhD; J Child Neurol 2006;21:240—246)
Shumway-Cook and Woollacott: Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice
Lois Bly - Motor Skills Acquisition in the First Year: An Illustrated Guide to Normal Development
Lucinda Baker - Neuro Muscular Electrical Stimulation: A Practical Guide (4th Edition)
Carr & Shepherd - Neurological Rehabilitation: Optimizing motor performance
Henderson & Pehoski - Hand Function in the Child: Foundations for Remediation
Please note: these book links go through to Amazon Affiliate Program
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