Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview
Ginny Paleg, PT, MPT, PScPT is a physical therapist who is a master at making research applicable and meaningful in clinical practice. Ginny's published papers are key resources for anyone wanting to answer questions on the whys, whats, how often and how much with gait trainers, standing frames, powered mobility and compression garments - and we get into it in this interview.
Ginny's energy, enthusiasm, knowledge and contributions to pediatric therapy are awe-inspiring! Scroll down to the podcast player to listen or find us on iTunes or Stitcher.
There was so many things we covered in this interview that we couldn't cover everything in depth. If you'd like to dig a bit deeper into these topics, scroll down to the Resources Section to find the links
and if you'd like to be inspired with weekly with snippets of brilliance from this interview and others, sign up for Seriously Smart Snippets here
The Podcast: Listen, enjoy, share...
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Time Stamps (drag the cursor along the sound wave - might only work on desktop)
Getting started with MOVE 4:37
Failing NDT 6:51
It’s not evidence based and we shouldn’t be using it 09:08
Funky but functional - when alignment is not the main objective 10:17
24 Hour Postural Management: An essential piece and a 2 hour goal 11:58
Problem Solving Standing - Abduction, rotation and a novel x-ray approach 13:40
Dealing with barriers to standing frame use 20:37
Prone vs Supine 22:34
Knee blocks 25:05
Robotics and the future 26:23
Overhead harnesses 30:27
Orthotics 32:48
Hip health and scissoring 34:00
Hypotonia 38:02
Predicting the need for early adaptive equipment 39:02
Standing times and postures 41:40
Standing and hip dislocation 43:47
Scoliosis -> TLSOs and DMOs 45:10
Who's note worthy 50:22
Using the HINE for early predictions51:35
Stability of the GMFCS levels 52:56
Best Resources 55:02
Advice for new therapists 55:15
Developing excellence 55:50

Pediatric PT and OT Discussion Group (Facebook)
Other Mentions
GMAE scoring software for the GMFM
GMFCS expanded & revised
HINE: Hammersmith Infant Neurological Evaluation (insiders scoop: If you're signed up to Ginny's FB page, you can download a copy of her score sheet for the HINES)
Other good stuff