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Dr Cylie Williams: A Podiatrist's Perspective on paediatric feet and gait concerns

Cylie Williams: A Podiatrists perspective on paediatric gait and foot treatments

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Dr Cylie Williams is a podiatrist and a senior research fellow at Monash University’s school of physiotherapy. Besides being an active clinician, she has been involved in a wide range of interesting research from whole body vibration therapy to developing clinical decision-making tools in cerebral palsy. She is passionate about knowledge translation in allied health professionals and her special interest is idiopathic toe-walking. I thought it might be fun to pick her brains and dig a little deeper into feet and shoes from a different angle. Cylie delivers a practical approach to this complicated topic with some solid advice and a good dose of realism.

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The Podcast: Listen, enjoy, share...

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Time Stamps (drag the cursor along the sound wave - might only work on desktop)

  • Podiatry Training 02:04

  • Why treatments fail with ITW 10:55

  • Treatment approaches in ITW 11:31

  • Navigating Google Land 16:45

  • Carbon fibre foot plates and AFOs

  • Are you addressing equinus or gait? 19:20

  • What are the long-term outcomes of ITW? 20:25

  • Neurologically based toe-walking 25:20

  • An effect strategy - working with parents 32:06

  • Working collaboratively 34:09

  • Questions

  • SureStep vs Cascade 35:42

  • Alignment, pain and function 39:20

  • Outcome measures for orthotic use 40:38

  • Subtalar joint neutral 42:15

  • Umm - whats the difference between an orthotist and a podiatrist? 49:13

  • Pronation and the developing foot 52.28

  • Watchful waiting and missed windows of opportunity 57:36




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