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Anat Baniel: Differentiating Around The Edges for Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapists

Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel Method®NeuroMovement®

I hold curiosity and an open mind as two of my most precious values and so I love nothing more than to step off the straight and narrow in search of treasures and possibilities.

I am struck however by how much synergy there is in what thought leaders and master clinicians that I’ve interviewed are saying - and how Anat has packaged these up in her 9 essentials. Such seemingly opposing philosophies of approach all in agreement despite their many differences,

Kim Barthel talking about emotion, the brain-body connection, and the importance of verbalizing behavior to bring awareness and connection.

Brian Hoare talking about the importance of extrinsic learning and learning to learn.

Jean-Pierre talking about not treating into the child's limitations but accessing the brains capacity for change, and

Prof Rosenbaum recognizing the importance of accepting each child as perfectly whole and amazing no matter their current challenges.

I'm excited by so much synergy and worried that egos get in the way of building on these connections, and concerned about how we start to tease out the hope from the hype. What a crazy, energizing, and precarious place to be as therapists. We have important roles to play here because we are the ones who walk the longest and closest with the parents and their children. We have a responsibility to be open to new possibilities, whilst being informed and cautious.

How do we do that? With conversations - open conversations for a start! Which is exactly what this interview is about. Anat and I had so much to say, that I’ve had to split it into two parts. This is part 1 as we seek to understand the concepts. In part two we really dig into the hot topics, hard questions, and the science.


Scroll down to the podcast player to listen or find us on Spotify, iTunes or Stitcher.

For handy links to things we've discussed in this interview,  scroll down to the Resources Section at the bottom of the page.

Listen, enjoy, share...

Podcast Highlights

Time Stamps in green

  • 11:15 minutes- A Possibilities Process not A Certainties Process

  • 12:04 minutes- Is it scientific

  • 15:21 minutes- Maths and Crawling

  • 18:06 minutes- Movement and Exercise

  • 21:03 minutes- Possibilities vs Performance

  • 23:49 minutes- The brain as an information system

  • 27:22 minutes- Variability and spasticity

  • 29:28 minutes- Task-specific training

  • 34:46 minutes- fixing to connecting

  • 40:00 minutes- Devorah

  • 45:55 minutes- Learning with Feldenkreis

  • 1:10:48 minutes- General movements

  • 1:24:58 minutes- Disorganised movements and effort

  • 1:27:06 minutes- What exactly is our responsibility?

Anat Baniel : Making Sense Out of the Nonsense

Podcast Highlights

Time Stamps in green

  • 2:00 minutes- Walkers and standing frames

  • 5:54 minutes- Potentiating the brain

  • 7:07 minutes- Using equipment in ABM

  • 13:00 minutes- More about walkers

  • 16:25 minutes- A nod to the wonderful Dr Karen Pape

  • 17:46 minutes- Tummy time

  • 26:15 minutes- Nobody owns motor development

  • 31:40 minutes- The research

  • 36:21 minutes- Synchronous brains in therapy

  • 45:20 minutes-Sensory and motor challenges in ABM

  • 48:06 minutes- Differentiation

  • 55 minutes- What is the brain learning?

  • 1:00:53 minutes- More about walkers

  • 1:11:15 minutes- It's the relationships - not the parts

  • 1:11:56 minutes- Funding

  • 1:17 minutes- Training

  • 1:20 minutes- ABM and ASD

  • 1:22:49 minutes- Advice for new therapists



Devorah's Video


New Practitioner Training Program Opens in the United States July 23rd 2022

Podcast - The 9 Essentials (Listen from oldest to Newest)


An interesting article that links to Anat's description of the importance of early random movements

BOOKS Mentioned

Please note that Amazon links are affiliate links


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