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Esther de Ru: Elastic Therapeutic Taping in Pediatrics

Esther de Ru: Elastic Therapeutic Taping in Pediatrics

Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview

Esther is a physiotherapist from the Netherlands whose passion and energy for all things related to pediatrics is stunning. Maybe best known for her work in elastic therapeutic taping she is also keenly interested in Bindegewebsmassage (German CTM method) and scoliosis management. As past chair of the Committee of the IOPTP (International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Paediatrics) and international instructor and author, Esther holds a unique perspective on how therapy is and should be practiced in the world. Officially retired, Esther travels the world teaching and sharing her knowledge as a true clinician who values not only the evidence base, but the patient's experience and intuitive wisdom that comes with real work in the real world.

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The Podcast: Listen, enjoy, share...

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Time Stamps (drag the cursor along the sound wave - might only work on desktop)

  • What's a dental assistant got to do with physical therapy? 07:35

  • It's all connected 8:41

  • Cyriax and Transverse Frictions 12:55

  • The skin knows 16:50

  • Why angry teenagers are great teachers 20:07

  • Votja 22:03

  • What do we know about skin? 28:27

  • The Babylonian confusion - What are we activating or inhibiting? 31:41

  • What do taping and Bobath have in common 39:14

  • Questions

  • Taping for good foot posture in a child with Spina Bifida 42:00

  • Choosing the dirction 43:08

  • Taping for scoliosis 46:49

  • Choosing the tension 49:30

  • Good advice for new therapists 50:59

  • Best Books 52:00





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