Custom Solutions for Addressing Heel Pain in children - A Conversation for Pediatric PTs
Per's passion for feet and running related injuries led him to develop Solemaids more than 20 years ago
The Myth of Evidence Based Practice
EBP is really just a term these days used to represent a phenomenon more accurately described as Publication Based Practice (PBP).
Oren Steinberg: Empowering Parents with Home Programs - Sensory Treat
Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview Oren Steinberg is the founder and chairperson of...
Jo-Anne Weltman: Cuevas MEDEK Exercises (CME) in neuromotor rehabilitation for Peadiatric Physiother
Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview Jo-Anne has worked as a paediatric physiotherapist in...
Baby Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)
Who wouldn't be excited about a therapy that has proven benefits with the science to back it up. Let's face it, in the field of...
The ABC's of NDT
NDT has gotten a bit of a bad rap recently. Neurodevelopmental therapy (Bobath) has been a mainstream approach to treating children with...
The Steptember Project 2016: Parenting Children with Disabilities
It’s a funny world, this disability world. Nobody really wants a ticket in, but once you get there, there are hidden treasures to be...